All’s Fair in Love and War

My Review of the Story by CrimsonWolf360

After seeing it trending for over a week, I decided to put aside my aversions and check out All’s Fair in Love and War. I’ll admit, I am debating whether or not to even publish my review of this.

While this story is phenomenal, and I absolutely love it, there is a specific element of this story that must be acknowledged.

Major warning: This story contains incest, interspecies intercourse, profanity, and violence.

Yes, you read that right. While it is only in the first and last chapters, this story does indeed contain sex; more specifically between two pony sisters, and later a human.

That being said, let’s start this review…

First off, my favorite character by far has to be Anon’s personal guard and buddy Javelin. Every time I read his dialogue, I heard it in Norm Macdonald’s voice, may he rest in peace. He and Anon often go out partying and drinking, and later Anon even stays at his place.

I also like that Raven Inkwell got some representation in this. She definitely deserves more fandom attention.

Now look, I like Luna just as much as the next guy, but she was a total bitch the first few chapters. To be fair, Anon was an ass to her as well, but she was completely unsympathetic to his situation, despite having previously been in a similar boat.

Also, Celestia and Luna did something to try and get closer to Anon that didn’t work out too well. While I totally understand why they did it, Anon hates being lied to; more so than most. It’s this mistake that eventually leads to a major fallout between them, one that they try to fix by literally forcing him into a situation he didn’t want to be in.

I will say, the war we get in the final act was awesome. Crimson really shows some talent in this part, and it has to be my favorite part of the story. Ultimately, it’s this very war that brings Anon and the sisters back together, and yes, he does eventually fall in love with them.

Overall, this was a great story, and save for the ahem, issues I mentioned, a can strongly recommend this one. I also appreciate that you can completely ignore those two chapters and still get the full experience.

All-in-all, I give this one an 8/10.

Update: The sequel Changeling Tides is complete, with plans for a third story. I will read and review it as soon as I get around to it.

All’s Fair in Love and War
After being transported to Equestria nearly a year and a half ago, Anon has found himself stuck in the middle of the strangest game of politics he’d ever heard of. It might just also lead to the loves of his life.

Up next: The Lunar Guardsman by Crimmar

All’s Fair in Love and War

Writer CROSS
Published Mar. 23, 2022
License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0